Sunday 19 August 2012

Happy Eid Mubarak 1433H!

Sunday 19 August 2012
Most recent video project with FM Clique for this year's Eid ul-Fitr.

FM Clique: Suasana Hari Raya 2012 from Reysha Kamal on Vimeo.

Facebook video page:
Video shooting: FM Clique & friends.
Video editing: Reysha Kamal
Tools: Canon 60D, iMovie '09
Song used: Suasana Hari Raya by Sharifah Aini

Happy Eid Mubarak 1433H to all fellow Muslims! :)

Let us ask for forgiveness, and forgive to those who asked; let us try to let go of the broken past and embrace a better, much positive future; let us begin a fresh chapter in our lives and strive to be better with ourselves; let us have the strongest hope and faith in Allah. Aamiin.

Hope everyone has a great time this eid; wherever they are, whatever they're doing, whomever they're with. :)