
Bas Kamal
Artist / Designer

Reyshaboo, Reysha, {Red}shaboo, SBMK? I go by several aliases and it's confusing as heck. Why? Well, never mind why! Though, in real life, I go by the name Bas Kamal. :)

Born and bred in a beautiful city called Shah Alam (that's in Malaysia for you aliens), most of my childhood was spent on drawing princesses, kissing brides, fairies, Pokémons and other fantasy creatures. I decided that one day I should become an artist but as I finished school, I furthered my studies in Ungku Omar Polytechnic, taking up architecture instead. Figured that I love to design, I went down that path and partially regretted because it was too much of a burden for me. Yikes! Almost stumbled down many times but fortunately, I managed to graduate on time.

Being an introvert, I have a thing for creating a private space for my own to express myself, and so I created this blog for that same reason. I've had several blogs prior but this one is gonna stick with me 'til the end. This blog acts a medium for me to document my creative works, keep track of my progress, blog about personal experience, express my emotions and whatnot. It's my own little universe – which I'm sharing with random people who happens to stumble upon this little space, in hope that this could become a window for me to the outside world.

I am not much of a writer and I am only a self-taught artist whom has always been interested in arts in my entire life. Though, I still have a long way to go before being called good in what I do. Currently trying to teach myself to master all sorts of artistic skills from traditional to digital arts and more. My life motto is to get better, and I live by the quote that says: "Perfection depends on how the person perceives it; trying to achieve perfection leads us to work harder and thus, become better."

My future is a bit blurry but I do know that someday I wanna be a great artist-cum-designer. With this deep passion I have inside me, I wish that it will bring me to somewhere great. :)