Thursday 8 November 2012


Thursday 8 November 2012

Website host: Blogger
Tools: Photoshop CS5 for graphics
Typography: Trebuchet MS (body text), Droid Sans (navbar), Philosopher (header)
Credits: Great Hornbill reference picture by ~Allerlei

Second site design I did for an upcoming IEEE event, commissioned by daddy. Used blogger for this and tweaked the CSS into a proper website.

Funny it takes me weeks to finish this up 'cause apparently my magical fountain of imagination wasn't producing any bubbles of ideas, whilst the previous site I did only took a day to do it, plus an extra day working on the background. LOL.

Going for black and orange as the theme colours because they are the colours of hornbills. Also placed an *awkward* hornbill in the header — which I painted btw; all these because the event is going to be held in Sarawak, a.k.a "Land of Hornbills". As for the background, it is supposed to be waves, which I figured would match the event's theme of wireless technology. But instead of lines, I used dots, and put in a pop of colours. I really like this one better than the previous site I did, though honestly I actually feel a bit uncertain about the background in this one lol.

Oh well, only if my magical fountain of imagination would produce some bubbles of ideas, then I would make a change to it.