Tuesday 5 November 2013

Mural @ Tun Razak Library

Tuesday 5 November 2013
Few months ago, I was offered the opportunity to join in a charitable project where I have to do a mural at Tun Razak Library in Ipoh, Perak. I hesitated to join at first because as an architecture student, I didn't want to struggle with time. But my friends persuaded me so I accepted in the end — and I did not regret it. I think I would've lost a huge opportunity if I turned away from this project because it had given me such a worthy experience, not to mention a notable addition to my portfolio hehe.

At the beginning of the project, I worked along with, I think, roughly 12 other students from Ungku Omar Polytechnic (where I'm studying at); who actually also participated in the International Visual Art Competition (IVAC) early this year. Since we are only a bunch of students, we ended up taking a long time to finish up the mural — which is about 2 months.

The thing that kinda frustrates me is that, halfway towards the end, half of the people that initially worked on this project went MIA. I understood that everyone was busy with studies but hey, we gotta finish up what we started. We must remember that we were commissioned by the commissioner so we gotta be responsible with what we were supposed to do. So I, along with only a small number of people (about 5), ended up sacrificing our time and worked our butt off to finish up the mural.

The area we had to work in is the children area. Here are some photos of the finished product:

Squid drawn by En Shuk, the guy who invited us to work on this mural together. He was also one of the guides who had helped us during IVAC earlier this year. He owns Garage Studio (go like the page on FB!) — a printing / graphic design service company located near to our campus. He's been very helpful to us in giving us opportunities such as this project and also in giving advices for our studies so many thanks to him. :)

Nemo a.k.a clownfish by my classmate, Syafiq Sam. Touch up done by this particular amazingly skilled art teacher. Looks fantastic!

An unfinished patrick star. Haha no it's just a starfish. I added the eyes (they're button badges) and called it patrick star. I insisted on drawing green pants on it but that's just impossible haha. Done by classmate, Nurul Fhatiha.

Stingray drawn by a classmate, Hidayah. She's a fellow artist who also likes to draw anime girls. :)

The section I and another 2 people were in charge of doing. Guess which turtle is mine??

Turtle also drawn by Hidayah, located at top right. She called this a 'cross-bred' of a turtle and a whale, because her turtle looks like a whale. Haha!

Bottom right turtle drawn by another classmate of mine, Nurul Asyiqin; helped by another classmate, Nurfarhanah. I also helped out to finish up this turtle.

Aaaand this is the turtle I painted! The middle one. I used a random picture I found on Google as a reference so credits to the owner! It took me a long time to finish up this turtle. I had no idea on how to paint a turtle on the wall or even how to work with mural paints so it was very frustrating at first. But I'm glad I managed to pull it off in the end eventhough it's not perfect. :)

This is me working on the turtle, photographed by En Shuk.

Tiny me and my humongous turtle. :)

The hardest part of this project. I wasn't in charge of this section but I was one of the few who ended up finishing up this section. So I deserve some kudos lol. You can see how imperfect this section is, it was actually supposed to be more complicated but we faced some difficulties like getting sabotaged, also we were running late and we were already so tired. So we just give it our all and just did what we managed to do.

I'm so glad the project is finally done! Eventhough it isn't the best work but I felt very lucky to be given this kind of opportunity. It's very exciting to think that my artwork is being displayed in a public place. I hope the children will get inspiration when they look at my turtle hahah. :)