Tuesday 27 May 2014

Pink Lemonade

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Wacom tablet
Stocks: Brush from So-ghislaine@DeviantART
DeviantART: reysuke-chan.deviantart.com/art/Pink-Lemonade-456681848

Sorry for the very bright colour! Haha. A very girly piece of artwork from me. Trying a different approach in semi-realism by keeping it to a minimum detail on her face and accentuating her features instead. Totally went crazy on her long, black, curly hair! It was challenging but I really had fun doing it. My favourite parts would be drawing the eyes and the hair. :3

The lemon was really random; I think the colour really pops out against magenta so I added it. Background was really hard; I thought of putting a flamingo but halfway through I scrapped it. It just felt wrong! After attempting various backgrounds, I finally decided to keep it simple by putting stripes and random shapes. Problem solved!

Anyway, I'm in the middle of my semester break at the moment. A month had gone by, a month left. :D Good news is that I'll be having my practicum next semester! So I'll be around in my hometown, yay! ❤ Hopefully I will be able to update more often. :)