Friday 7 September 2012


Friday 7 September 2012

Website host: Blogger
Tools: Photoshop CS5 for graphics, Canon 60D for header picture
Typography: Cambria (body text), Verdana (headings), Eurostile (header)

A simple web design I did commissioned by my daddy for his upcoming conference event. I used blogger as the host and tweaked the CSS into a proper website.

I used the colour blue that is similar to the blue on the IEEE logo for the whole theme. Limiting it to one colour to keep it from having too much going on. The background is supposed to be electronic dots, which I figured would match the event's theme of 'computers and informatics'. The header is a picture of buildings I've taken somewhere in Putrajaya. I thought of putting a picture of a scenery in Langkawi since the event will held in Langkawi, but alas I don't have a good picture taken there or any permissible resources.

The site is yet to be fully finished; still need to update some of the contents and perhaps if I feel like it, I would make a slight adjustment to the graphics.