Sunday 16 September 2012

Time-lapse: Happy Birthday NK!

Sunday 16 September 2012
I was asked by a friend, Ishkander, to help him take some pictures for something he was working on for a certain special someone's birthday that was coming up. He wasn't exactly sure of what to do with the pictures; that was where I thought Hey, let's try doing a time-lapse video!

Happy Birthday NK ♥ from Reysha Kamal on Vimeo.

Photography & editing: Reysha Kamal
Tools: Canon 60D, Time Lapse Assembler, iMovie '09

This would be my first time doing a time-lapse video, yay! :D I actually enjoyed doing it because it was quite easy to render and the editing didn't took me much time. The only con is that my hands hurt so much after that from snapping gazillions of photos continuously; I think my thumb almost broke off! Lol. I ended up with almost 800 photos in a period of 2 hours. Only used half of the amount though for the video.

Plan didn't fall through – Initially, we were shooting this process at an open field near my house at night. We were already halfway through it and were about to light up the candles when suddenly a wild strong gust of wind appeared, and it started to drizzle. The wind was really creeping me out, and being on a dark field surrounded with huge trees just brings the creepy feeling to a whole new level. So in the end, we resorted to using a hall at another place to shoot this. Well, couldn't use nature as the background but glad that the pictures turned out alright! :)

Never expected the video to turn out rather romantic haha, I actually love it! Eventhough it was quite simple really. :) Posting some pictures from the photoshoot because candles and bokeh effect are just so lovely together!! ♥ Fresh from the camera, pictures aren't touched up. :)

My top favourite picture of all, it's so lovelyyyy. ♥ *v*

Arranged candles lighted up.

A small heart. ♥

Bokeh candles from the side.

NK ♥

My friend, sitting beside his finished work. :) I could feel the emotion conveyed in this picture! ♥

End product bokeh. :)

The end product. :) Lovely ain't it?

So, to NK, happy birthday! And I hope you love the video and the great effort that was put in by my friend here, all for you. :)