Sunday 23 December 2012

Pixiv + Redjuice

Sunday 23 December 2012
So I finally decided to create an account on Pixiv! This is all because Redjuice 'convinced' me, haha. I just hope that eventhough my works are still in the intermediate level, more people would check them out. :)

Click on the picture »

(That's Hitomi, an original character of mine. Hiyaa! ;D She will be officially introduced later someday.)

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So yesterday, I went to Comic Fiesta at Kuala Convention Centre. And guess who I met? ...


I was sooo excited omg! To me, Redjuice is like master Yoda to me. He's my idol, he's my top favourite illustrator, he's my source of inspiration, he really plays a huge role in my life. And when I found out that Redjuice is coming over to Malaysia for Comic Fiesta, I couldn't be any happier! I am finally able to see his face! :D Haha.

I was able to attend his private talk session held during the event with the help of my friend (because I didn't get a pass initially but my friend got it so he gave up his pass for me lol sob thank you so much ;v;). I was so happy I was able to listen to him talking live. But sadly it was quite impossible to come near him, he was like an emperor guarded by emperor's royal guards. ;v;

I wanted to get ahold of his artbooks but they sold out fast like fresh hot banana fritters and I couldn't even get his signature! Really sad. They only gave out like, 10 programme books that have his signature and we had to answer a question correctly to get it. It was really hard to compete of course because there were so many people at the hall. But during one of the questions they asked, which was 'How old is Redjuice?', nobody barely got it right and I was there at the back raising my hand and waving like crazy because I know the answer but still... They couldn't see me because I was so tiny, standing far at the back behind a sea of people.

You don't know how heartbroken I was. I could've gotten his signature that easily but no. I was too tiny to be seen. ;A; /crey



I love you, Redjuice. ;v; I was still glad I was able to meet you. ;v; Felt really lucky. ;v; Wish I could see you again someday. ;v;