Sunday 10 February 2013

To Be Born Somewhere: Infinite Genesis

Sunday 10 February 2013

Infinite Genesis

"Life, a complicated thing, delicate and singular for each to own yet infinite in number to all. It starts somewhere, anywhere, often small, and eluded in a future where anything can happen. The unpredictably of life is so because it is the very core foundations of nature itself strung together by the elements that bring it together. You’ve no doubt in some point in your life seen the popular imagery of a stork bringing in babies and a flower being the birth place of fairy’s. These images despite fictional borrow from a reality we know and cultures have come together to make them symbols full of meaning. “If flowers are riders of the wind to have their offspring born and spread out, then maybe birds can be seen as masters of the wind bending it to their will to lay a nest, a home for the newborn”. This... is my vision of the probability to being born anywhere."

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS5, Wacom tablet
References: A few references used for the bird and for the flowers. References found through Google.
Credits to: Emillio Daniel, as usual. ;)

Here it is, my submission for the International Visual Art Competition! :) The theme for the competition is 'To Be Born Somewhere', and my artwork is entitled 'Infinite Genesis'. I had my friend, Emillio, to help me contribute ideas on what to draw and he also came up with the title and description for the artwork so I owe it all to him! Thank you so much, friendo! :)

What I'm trying to depict here is that a bird is carrying a bouquet of flowers which resemble the iconic stork carrying a baby, and the petals from the bouquet drop to the ground and form flowers underneath — which gives the meaning 'to be born anywhere'. A girl is then being 'born' in a huge flower among the bed of flowers. The colourful sky which looks like a fantasy bears the meaning 'somewhere new'. I used a hornbill, rafflesia and hibiscus as the elements in this artwork for cultural value, so that when people see my artwork they could guess my country of origin.

Okay first of all, I would like to comment that this artwork has way too many flaws lol. The time I've had on my hands to work on the piece was really limited since I have loads of college assignments to do and other duties to attend to. I was still working on the piece an hour before I had to submit the artwork to my lecturer/mentor lol. I didn't exactly managed to fix and do a bit of touch-up so that explains the obvious flaws you can see in the artwork. ;v;

I'm not 100% satisfied but I am... okay with the submitted product. I knew my digital painting skill isn't that great anyway, I still have a lot to learn so I guess it's fine with my level.

So now, my artwork is probably on its way to Troyes, France. I'm not expecting to win, but I hope that if God allows it, my artwork could at least gets nominated Top 400. Amiin. :)

Fingers-crossed! xx