Sunday 27 January 2013

Hello college life {A little bit of blogging}

Sunday 27 January 2013
Sorry for the lack of updates for these couple of months; for your information, I just started college last month (December 2012). I am now an architecture student in Politeknik Ungku Omar, Perak! After a one-year hiatus from doing anything, I'm finally, actually making a progress in life. Lol.

As you all might know this, being an architecture student can only mean one thing — busy, busy, BUSY. That's the definition of my life right now. Apart from the assignments, I'm busy with my duties as the class representative — YES, believe it or not, I, my tiny self, became the class representative for class DSB1B.

On a more artsy note, I am also participating in an International Visual Art Competition, where I'll be submitting my artwork to France and compete with the rest of the world; and whoever that wins will get an honors diploma. Crazy, right? I obviously am not expecting myself to win because seriously as a self-proclaimed artist I still lack qualities. Plus, competing with the entire world? In. My. Dreams. I'm only entering this competition for the sake of gaining experience. Because my motto now is to take whatever opportunities there are whenever they appear in front of me. :)

Last weekend was the first highlight in my life ever since I started college. My college held a design fest at Mydin Shopping Mall in Ipoh, where the architecture students took part in various activities / competitions. The Int'l Visual Competition participants also had to take part in the fest, where we had to draw and exhibit the artworks we are going to submit for the competition, in front of people. Meaning, we had to draw in front of all the passing by strangers / shoppers who came to shop at Mydin! Crazy, I tell you.

I'd never exactly drawn in front of people before; not strangers, not even friends. I prefer doing my work in isolation. At first it felt really awkward, I was really nervous, and when people came and stand behind trying to look at me working on my artwork, I sorta froze. LOL. But I try my best to just relax and ignore them, and after a while, I got used to it. :D It ended up being an amazing experience for me.

Honestly, I thought I was going to be the left one out because while everyone paints on a canvas or paper, I was the only — THE ONLY one, who was doing digital painting. So I just sat at the table with my computer and my pen tablet doing my artwork quietly. Though fortunately, quite a lot of people did come to me and talked to me, asking me questions and stuff. It was really exciting!

This is how it looked like during the event for the Int'l Visual Art Comp part. :) And that is my laptop, showing my work-in-progress.

I'm really glad that I participated in this competition and this event. It gave me a whole new experience in life and I really feel I'm making an effort in pursuing my passion. :D I will try my best to get involved in more competitions and events like this in the future!

Anyway, the artwork is still currently in progress. I will post it when I'm done. :)