Friday 26 April 2013

Lots of Love, Scarlet

Friday 26 April 2013
Hello! How long has it been since I last posted any illustration of mine??

I've been extremely busy with college that I barely had time to work on any illustration at all! Well this is the life of an architecture student lol. But I'm already at the end of my semester and to celebrate it, I did a digital illustration using one of my old linearts of my OC, Scarlet Roku. :D

Tools: Pencil & paper for lineart, Adobe Photoshop CS5 for CG

This is Scarlet Roku, one of my OCs. I still haven't properly introduced her yet but I have written an official short profile for her. I'm still working on an official illustration of her before I could post her profile but I haven't managed to finish it up thanks to college. Since I'm already at the end of the semester and I have a month+ of holiday, I'll try to finish it up and publish her profile soon. :)

On another note, omg I survived my first semester! :D