Sunday 15 September 2013


Sunday 15 September 2013
As the end of my second semester as an architecture student is approaching, I get busier and busier than ever. I am currently working on a few projects simultaneously and my current biggest project is an individual project on designing a retreat house.

It's saddening to see that my artblog became left untouched for weeks, up to a month. But this weekend I have a bit of time to spend for myself as I get four days of holiday, so, to compensate for the lack of update, I will just post some old artwork I've done in the past.

This is an old piece I did during my SPM year. I was taking an approach to 'semi-realism' before I started to practise realism.

The original pencil drawing. I then decided to paint on a photocopy of this drawing (because I don't want to ruin the original drawing in case if I fail miserably when painting it).

Tools: A4 sketchpad, Buncho watercolour

The photograph shots were actually taken long time ago and were uploaded to my deviantART and Facebook account. I haven't exactly had the chance to post all my previous works on this blog but I will do it when I have small chances like this.

Since the shots were taken using only my iPhone, the details were killed. Not that I exactly mind though 'coz my painting quality isn't that great anyway lol.

I used a picture of Aishwarya Rai as a reference to draw some of the facial features on this drawing. I wasn't exactly drawing her so don't expect this drawing to have any resemblance towards her.