Saturday 10 August 2013

Happy Eid Mubarak 1434H!

Saturday 10 August 2013
The blessed month of Ramadhan has ended and the holy month of Syawal has begun! :)

I am still in charge of editing Eid ul-Fitr's greeting video for FM Clique this year. Excuse me for being late with the video, as I only have a week of holiday before I go back to the depth of hell Ipoh for college. So I have to cram up everything in one week — which is driving me nuts — and that includes shopping, and hanging out with my old friends from primary and secondary schools haha. I was even too lazy to send out personalized text messages to each of my friends wishing a happy eid. Sorry you guys~ =v=

FM Clique: Salam Lebaran 2013 from Reysha Kamal on Vimeo.

Facebook video page:
Video shooting: FM Clique & friends.
Video editing: Reysha Kamal
Tools: Canon 60D, iMovie '09
Songs used:
Salam Lebaran by Mark Adam ft Eyza Bahra & W.A.R.I.S
Treasure by Bruno Mars

For the first time ever, I actually participated in the video! :) In case you're wondering which one is me, I'm the one dressed up in an all black kaftan, acting like a kitty. Haha. The video ended up being a bit longer than last year's video. I hope it doesn't get boring!

P.S.: Do watch it till the very end! ;) And don't forget to like FM Clique's page.

Happy Eid Mubarak 1434H to fellow Muslims! :)

I hope each of you are having a wonderful time during this holy month of Syawal with your family and your loved ones. :)

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin.