Tuesday 4 February 2014

Love At First Sight

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Wacom tablet
DeviantART: reysuke-chan.deviantart.com/art/Love-At-First-Sight-431774793

When you are caught by something so exquisitely beautiful that your heart skipped a beat and you fall in love instantly. It may be a scenery, a piece of artwork, a musical composition, or even a person. It's a feeling so exquisite that only happens once in a while, and when it happens, treasure the moment. Love at first sight — have you ever experienced it?

I was going through my WIP folder when I found an unfinished artwork titled 'ReysKa' in it. It was a rough sketch with really minimum detail. So I decided to finish it up by doing a speedpaint because the file had been there for literally a few years. But at last, what supposed to be a speedpaint ended up as a 'slowpaint' — it took me 3 days to finish this piece. And it is nothing to be regretted because this is the artwork I am most proud of right now. ;v; Yay me! ❤


So a lot of people said to me that the girl in the drawing looks like me. Well to be honest the original sketch was actually done by referring to a picture of me and everyone knows I wear red glasses. But in this final drawing, I changed her head (because I wasn't sure which picture I had used before this). So, nope, she is NOT me. She does have the exact same glasses as my previous one though. Except that mine has a darker red on it. So basically her red glasses made everyone thinks she looks like me.