Thursday 24 April 2014

MIRoC 2014; My Laptop Died!

Thursday 24 April 2014
Tragedy struck as I was trying to submit my work when my beloved laptop suddenly froze and I had to force shut down. As I restarted it, it went directly to recovery mode and I wasn't able to boot normally. Oh no. Tried everything in my power to save my baby but alas, I had to have it formatted. To worsen the situation, for the whole semester I had not backed up my files due to the fact that I had switched to a new laptop (Time Machine wasn't working properly). So basically, all of my files, my works most importantly that I had done the whole time this year are gone. ALL GONE. Including the poster design I was working on for an upcoming competition which was due in the next day. Lord knows how much pain this is causing me as my laptop means everything to me. My heart sank every time I think of my lost files.

Still going through self-recovery after what happened. Currently trying to fix my Time Machine so it can be used on this new computer. Lesson learned, never ignore data back ups no matter how much you claimed you are 'busy' (capital L Lazy). ;_;

Anyway, after fixing my computer, I struggled to redo the poster design within the night, as I had to submit it before noon the next day. Thank Lord I was able to retrieve the initial design from an email attachment that I had sent to the lecturer. Fortunately I managed to finish it up and print it out by noon!

Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Typeface: Over There, Humanoid, Astrolyte (
Brushes: fortelegy@deviantART, so-ghislaine@deviantART

After the competition, I received a call from the lecturer telling me that we only won Silver. Lecturers were actually expecting to win Gold for this poster since last year they had won Gold. It was okay for me though, at least we had won something. It was my first time in a national competition anyway so I feel very lucky that I still managed to help win a place, yay. :)