Monday 17 November 2014

OC Profile: Reina Alfrey

Monday 17 November 2014


Name: Reina Alfrey
Age: 21
Birthdate: 23 February
Starsign: Pisces
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood type: A
Fav. food: Italian food
Fav. drink: Green tea
Fav. colour: Blue
Fav. pastime: Cooking, playing musical instruments


The surname Alfrey means "elf" or "magical counsel". While Reina means "Queen”.


Reina was given birth one and a half minute earlier than her twin — Ruka — making her the first child out of three siblings. She is half-elven and half-human born from an elven mother and human father. She lives in a mansion with her siblings. Due to the absence of their parents, she takes on the parent role to take care of her siblings. Reina is looked up to by her younger sisters, which they referred her as the ‘perfect’ sister, and a 'beauty with brain and talent’. Having an elven blood inside her, she is naturally bestowed with elven powers, just like her siblings; though the human blood they also have made them appear almost like regular human being.


Reina has fair skin and lavender eyes. She has long, straight, black hair with blue tint which she usually wears in high twin tails, just like her twin. She wears her bangs to the right in contrast with her twin who wears it to the left. Reina is taller than her twin by 3 centimetres and has quite a voluptuous body, unlike her twin whom is leaner.

Reina’s regular character outfit is a dark blue thigh-length, silk tube dress with floral pattern donned with a matching long-sleeved bolero; a pair of sheer, black tights and black ankle boots. She secures her twin tails with black feather scrunchies. Her style is inspired by classic, victorian and gothic lolita clothing, akin to the the whole family. Her favourite colour is blue, hence, it only makes sense that she incorporates a lot of blue into her coordinates.


Naturally, as the first child, Reina appears to be more mature and responsible compared to the other two. She is deemed as the mother-figure of the three as she always takes care of her younger sisters. She loves to cook; always making sure everyone has a well-balanced meal everyday. She is also quite a neat freak; the mansion is always in order thanks to her. She has the skills in playing musical instruments, which she can play the violin very well. Although she appears to be calm and gentle, she is in fact a fierce lady, though only shown when provoked. She has a good sense of judgement where most of the time, she tries to remain calm and take on a more matured approach in dealing with any sort of situations. She always wear a gentle expression on her face. Having two mischievous sisters, she always have to chase after them every time both of them get on with their mischiefs, which were done intentionally just to annoy her. By the end of the day, Reina loves her sisters very much, they would always stick together and she would do anything to protect them.