Tuesday 24 November 2015

Archi Club Works (Dec 2013 – June 2015)

Tuesday 24 November 2015
I'm eager to announce that I have just completed my final semester for diploma! :D

Results just came out and it is a relief to say that I WILL be graduating! I was freaking out for a moment, thinking that I might had failed a course and had to return to retake it. Thank God.

So what's next? Maybe degree, maybe work first. We'll see about it. ;)

* * * * *

For the entire 3 years I was in college, I'd been involved a lot with my course's very own architecture club. I started getting involved during the 3rd semester when I happened to lend a hand by providing graphic works for our biannual dinner – 'Archinight'. From there, the club advisor recognized me, and in my 5th semester I was officially elected as the vice-president and continued on as the secretary in my final semester.

During my involvement, I did a lot of graphic works for club use and events. We did not have many students who were capable in using Photoshop and doing graphic works, so naturally the responsibility was given to me.

Here is a compilation of the works I've done throughout the years.

December 2013 Session

December 2013 session's work can be found in a separate post: Archifest Dec 2013

December 2014 Session

During this semester, I was elected as one of the two vice-presidents of the architecture club. Despite holding such position, I ended up doing mostly secretarial and graphic-related works due to some circumstances. The first task I had to do was producing the organization chart. It can be seen that there are lots of empty spaces where the faces of mentioned people should be found. Unfortunately, there was a bit of technical problem (hint: unreliable dickwads who didn't do their job as asked) and it was long overdue, so I just printed out what I had before the lecturer kills me. Hence, the missing faces. Sorry guys.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Typeface: Roboto (Google Fonts)
Brushes: so-ghislaine

The biggest highlight was the biannual Archinight dinner for the programme. All graphic works for the event were done by me, without help. I swear I almost died doing everything on my own — even going to the printing shop and typing each of everyone's names into the certificates. /crey It was a still a fun experience regardless being super exhausted after the event ends.

Event Poster

Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Typeface: Baskerville, Qaskin Black, Dragon is Coming (dafont)
- Ornament dividers by intoxicatedvogue
- Kuroshitsuji borders by kishi-san
- Angled corners by lyotta

(I actually snuck in some anime elements in this design, LOL. It's pretty, though.)

Invitation Card (Front)

Invitation Card (Back)

Stage Backdrop

Stickers for Guests

Certificate for Archinight

Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Typeface: Qaskin Black, DIN Condensed, Monotype Corsiva, Bodoni 72, Dragon is Coming
- Floral swirls by coby17
- Kuroshitsuji borders by kishi-san

Certificate for Archi-talk

Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Typeface: Edo SZ, Bodoni 72, DIN Condensed, Gill Sans, Lobster 1.4, Playball

Honestly, that's quite an overwhelming number of fonts (and also colours) used in the certificates. But I couldn't object as they were orders. /crey

June 2015 Session

Upon the start of a new semester, a whole new board was elected. I continued being in the club as the secretary, as new members took over our previous positions. I only had one work to do this semester, which was to produce the organization chart. Fortunately the new board members were filled with talented graphic designers, so I no longer had to worry about handling the graphics on my own.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Typeface: Gill Sans, Impact Label, Edo SZ
Brushes: env1ro
Texture: cgarofani


I've gotta admit that I'm soooooo gonna miss being a part of this club! I really did enjoy doing all the works, organizing events and such. As a student, honestly, I wasn't doing very well academically. So I used this as an opportunity to display and brush up my skills, and throw my name out there. Through this club that I was recognized by lecturers. Though at one point I was nagged by my academic advisor for focusing too much on 'outside activities' than on my own academic projects haha.

In the end, all of my hard work was recognized, as I was awarded 'The Most Committed and Dedicated Student' by the end of my studies. I was really moved by this gesture. I realized I wasn't one of the bright stars so I really put in effort, getting involved in various activities and such so that I wouldn't feel like I am worthless. I thank all of my lecturers for recognizing my effort and struggle throughout the years, even when I earned such an average GPA.

To me, the lesson I've learned here is that don't be too quick to give up despite what a single piece of paper that contains your GPA tells you. You may be struggling in some aspects, but that doesn't mean you can't shine in another way. Use your weakness as a tool to gain strength. As long as you put in effort and take on opportunities, you're somebody worthy. :)

* * * * *

Goodbye Kelab Seni Bina PUO!