Tuesday 11 June 2013

Sec 13 Shah Alam

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Click on image for larger view. :)

Tools: Canon 60D with 18-55mm, Adobe Photoshop for retouching

This is a panoramic view of Section 13 Shah Alam from FM Clique studio. It's my favourite view! Can see a lot of things from here, including the humongous Shah Alam stadium. I frequently come to this place to do work and usually stay there till late at night or after sunrise. I would never miss to step outside to the balcony and enjoy the view. It's very relaxing, especially after midnight. It can get noisy thanks to the sound of cars speeding at the opposite road but somehow I'm immune to it.

The original pictures were quite awful. It was just a random shot actually. Then I decided to create a panoramic view using two seperate pictures and stitched them together. I retouched the picture in photoshop and voila! It looks better. :) Though imperfection can be clearly seen where the photos were stitched, but what the heck lol.

I am not much of a photographer but I really do enjoy taking pictures and wish to become better in photography. :)