Monday 1 July 2013

OC Profile: Hitomi

Monday 1 July 2013


Name: Hitomi
Age: Unknown
Birthdate: 26 October
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 157.5 cm
Weight: 39 kg
Likes: Cherries and cold red jellies
Dislikes: Pests and lots of things


Hitomi means 'pupil' or 'eye' in Japanese. The reason she was named Hitomi is because of the very distinguishable huge, red, one-eye that she has.


Hitomi has the body and the look of a female adolescent. She is very thin which in her case, she would be deemed as anorexic. Her skin can be as pale and cold as corpse, but with pink lips and tinge on her cheeks. Her hair is straight, falls just below her chest, blackest black in colour, very silky and cold when touched. Her eye is quite large with bright red pupil, with the letters S-B-M-K written in it. Letters 's' and 'k' on the white of the eyes, and 'b' and 'M' on the red pupil. She is originally a one-eyed being but occasionally changes into a more human-friendly form with two eyes when being around human, but keeping the original eye appearance. Though she actually dislikes doing it because she prefers to be her real self.


Hitomi is an immortal being that has lived for a very long time, up to the point that she no longer remembers her age. Her birthdate that is listed above isn't the real one since she doesn't even remember when, where or how she was given birth. 26 October is the birth date that was given to her. Hitomi is able to experience death but after a while she will be resurrected. She claims the experience as extremely painful; having to go through it a number of times has stripped off her deep emotions, leaving her chest almost empty.


After living such a long life, Hitomi develops a feeling of depression and loneliness, which are almost never shown because she tries her best in suppressing it. More over, she is unable to feel or show affection resulting from the aforementioned experience. Her regular self is shown to be a bit cheeky and mischievous. Hitomi has humour in herself, for instance, she likes taking advantage of her abnormal appearance to scare people. Hitomi is seldomly seen to like something; almost all the time she expresses her irritation and dissatisfaction on lots of things. Despite lacking empathy, Hitomi is still able to give out a smile, though it practically lacks a meaning behind it.