Friday 29 January 2016

ArchiDigma & Co.

Friday 29 January 2016
As a part of our college assignments for the course entrepreneur, we had to create a mock company and sell products or services during an event held at our college. After some discussing, we decided to name our organization 'ArchiDigma & Co'. As the graphic designer, I held the responsibility of providing graphic works which include the official company logo, and flyer and bunting design for the event.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Wacom tablet
Typeface: Aleo, Mossy

I didn't want to spend too much time for these, so I came up with a simple logo (which was done in 5 minutes before class started LOL). The flyer was more fun to do as I had doodled each of the items shown. I kept all the designs very minimal and achromatic, with a hint of red because it's my favourite colour it represents passion – a trait that architecture students have in common. Also, it was easier to do it in achromatic, so that we could cut down cost for printing as colour prints are damn expensive.